Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

My Quotes - (by twitter @andifatma)

Nothing's word for "late", eventhough love is come too late.

Bergerak jauh lebih baik daripada berdiam. Well, do somethin' for your future. Now!

The big wishes and I will reach it!

Trust and goal it, because God always beside you everywhere.

As you know that, God always lead/listen you where you are wish and pray.

Life is must be Brave, Solutive, Progressive.

God is All-Knowing, wherever you are.

Distance isn't important, key of maintaining relationships keep communication and trust.

Progress and keep on dreaming for a successful future.

I'm an idealist, I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way.

No matter how hard the past, I can always begin again!

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